Leaving a Crack in the Door

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)

In my more recent years of having a prayer life, God has lead me to the need to be in His very presence. Daily. To come in and close the door behind me. To come in bound to nothing else but complete adoration. This perfect place needing nothing from me but an outpouring of worship. My affections poured out onto His feet. My head and heart bowed by (and in) His truth.

Worry, for me, was leaving a crack in the door.

I wanted to be in the presence of God and also to be able to hear my children if they called, the world if it had something to say. In my anxiousness, I wanted to hear outside sounds (noises) and also be in God’s presence. I foolishly convinced myself that I could be in two places at once. That God understood there could be a spill in the kitchen, an important phone call to answer, that my husband could need my help, that there was a thought I wanted to jot down. God understood that anything could be happening if I didn’t leave a crack in the door.

Priority number one.

But my math didn’t add up. One on one didn’t equal me bringing in a hand full of priorities. Only one. Him. God wanted me to come into His presence untied to my worries, the spills, quality time, phone calls, and the words I wanted to write.

Everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving became for me, God’s will and His way. That He prioritize my life, not me. That being in His presence is scheduled by Him and in Him. And in His deity and fullness my needs and the needs of my family are guarded and met, in Christ Jesus.

For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. Colossians 2:9-10

© Tahlitha Chadwick

Photo Credit: Girl Reporter


  1. It is so easy to get caught by the “crack”… As busy moms, wives and women, it takes serious effort to find that space. For me, it requires rising before the rest of my family. If I do not, the crack is created whether I like it or not. Great thoughts! Thank you!!! 🙂

  2. This is a new thought for me — to apply this wonderful verse specifically to my prayer time. I love this. I’ll use the verse as my pre-prayer to prayer.

  3. I know what you mean Shannon, the morning is the best time for me too. Once my 4 year old comes requesting his bowl of fruit loops I’m thankful I devoted prayer and study to the Father.

  4. Hi Darla. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. It is so important to have that communication with God. Oh how we need to pray daily and give him thanks daily. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. Thank you, Elissa.

  7. In reading this, I realize that I often have a crack in the door. There’s so much to do, I’m rarely doing just one thing at once. It’s gotten worse lately. I’m glad I read this so I can work on it.

  8. Wow Tahlitha – really needed to hear your anointed words. Really feel like things need to change for me as a result of reading this. May I acknowledge that He truly does come first, before everything… He is Lord!

  9. Hi Janna. We’re all work’s in progress. And our daily routines are important to God in that we give Him first place and priority to just worship Him, to see His presence as a need.

    You take care. God bless you.

  10. Thank you Ali. May we all be blessed to see the need to worship in His holiness.

  11. Oh my . . .this really spoke to me, Tahlitha. Thank you!!!! God bless you as you draw close and closer still to Him. As you share about your relationship with Jesus, you bless us so much and help us deepen our relationship with Him too!

  12. Just to let you know I’ve nominated you for the very inspiring award 

    The very inspiring blog award

  13. Thank you Lady Debbie, your comments are always a blessing to me. God bless you.

  14. Thank you so much Peter, it’s always an honor to be among all those who share in, and write for the joy found in Christ Jesus.

  15. I usually rise early or sometimes wait for the family to go to sleep and just have that intimacy with Him. Sometimes He tugs at my heart to just collapse right where I am. I find such peace with Him. My day may not be smooth but it is comforted through the bumpy ride. Glory to God. I have enjoyed sharing a cup of Christ here at justmyfaithtalking.

    A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥

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