Clocking a Prayer

And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. Mark 14:35

What is it like to grieve over the inevitable? Knowing there is a countdown to a prayer, to suffering? Shedding heavy tears, sweating drops of blood to a relationship about to be severed?


“Father, please, thank you. This cup is bitter, this cup is sweet. And I know why. But you prepared it, so I’ll drink.”

Not Obligated But Obedient

What kind of fairness was Jesus asking for from His Father in Gethsemane? None, that cup was poured before the world began (John 6:38). It was not equality Jesus was crying out for that night; it was His Father’s affection He pleaded for, the comfort, the strength that comes from obedience (Luke 22:43). Sin, the measure of that cup, the willingness of Christ, was the ultimate show of sacrifice (Romans 5:19). This request, the very human side of Christ, in prayer, wasn’t a way of escaping mocking, agony, and brutality, but the total and complete offering of Himself, His death for our new life, His life (John 3:17).

Prayerfully Obedient

Why would a loving God want us to be prayerfully obedient? And not just obedient? For the reason that difficult times turn us inward, towards us. ‘No one knows this kind of pain, not even God.’ And it’s natural to lean that way. It’s just not a place for us to reside. We tend to look at loss, suffering, heartache, and even death as weights and not as obedience. Oh, but they are. Jesus prayed God’s will in to His human condition and not His own…and was strengthened right into the hands of His betrayers (Mark 14:42).

Jesus’ prayers to His Father at every twist, turn, and trial was to give the glory right back to God, regardless of the trying times (John 17:1).

Victor Not Victim

Jesus promises believer’s tribulation but with the beautiful price He has already paid (John 16:33). We Christians, in prayer, should fall harder than ever to see Jesus clearer than ever.

So let’s go Christians, no matter how brief or extended our challenges, Jesus is our measure.


  1. Thank you for sharing this message with us.

  2. Yes! You’ve captured the essence of true obedience… as the Word says “He was obedient even unto death”. A death He did not deserve. Thank you for sharing this!
    Blessings to you sister

  3. “We Christians, in prayer, should fall harder than ever to see Jesus clearer than ever.” That really got my attention, Tahlitha. Praying for that to happen. God bless you as you fall hard for Him. Thanks for such a thought provoking post!

  4. Falling harder to see Jesus clearer – profound stuff. What a great elaboration on Jesus’ suffering, thanks Tahlitha.

  5. I’ve just come back from another one of life’s falls and my eyes are open a bit more. It’s so true. Thank you for such insightfulness and sharing. Take care Tahlitha!

  6. Hi Joseyphina, thank you. And thanks for the visit, have a lovely day!

  7. Hi Stephanie, it’s always a pleasure. ‘Obedient unto death’, what can we say to that but, thank you Jesus. I’m forever grateful.

    Have a good weekend.

  8. Hi Lady Debbie, your honesty is refreshing. It’s a daily prayer and renewing for me too. The saying goes: You’re either in a storm. Coming out of a storm. Or heading in to one.

    Jesus is definitely our help and victory, God bless you.

  9. Hi Ali, thank you. Like the David Crowder song says, ‘He loves us, oh, how he loves us, how he loves us, oh.’

    Blessings to your family.

  10. Hi Ginny, that is good news, prayer is an eye opener for me as well. We’re always in His care.

    You take care, too.

  11. Hi Tahlitha, I love the way you said He is our measure. Not man, not material things, but God! I am falling hard for Jesus because He will comfort me.

    A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥

  12. Hi Shenine, He does it all time. Thanks for visiting.

  13. Giving the glory to God in trying times can be difficult (but necessary). I find comfort in believing that God won’t give me more than I can handle, and that by going through troubles, I emerge a better, stronger person in some way.

  14. Hi Janna, I believe that too! It’s amazing what we’re equipped to do and go through in Christ.

    I hope you’re having a good weekend.

  15. kaceybess · ·

    I found you via Deidra Riggs today. You have some good meaty posts here. I’ll have to keep up.

  16. Hi Kacey, good morning. Thank you for visiting and reading, and to Deidra for the mention. Have a wonderful week.

  17. This is staggering – in a wonderful sort of way. Do you mind if I Reblog this Tahlitha?
    Thanks for listening and sharing!

  18. This was a great read, thank you

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