Make Peace With God in the Night

With my soul have I desired you in the night; yes, with my spirit within me will I seek your early: for when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9 (AKJV)

My noted thoughts:

  • Give the weight of the day over to God at night.

  • Give the glory of the morning over to God and go on about the day.

  • Watch for His character to be in you and in your going and coming.


Sometimes we’re tempted to take our cares and concerns to bed with us at night. Raise the covers right on up, scoot over, fluff up the pillow, and invite them right on in. (And whether you’re married or single, that can get pretty crowded). We can, at times, desire worry over rest. Desire problems over prayer and peace. Bad days don’t elude the Christian. (They just don’t). And bad days as well shouldn’t cause us to flee to our beds in abandoned prayer.

This verse says to us to desire God with our whole being, everything within us. Emotions, personality, and even exhaustion. The days, weeks, and even years that have brought you and I from one evening to the next in grace should be a willful desire to not climb into our beds in restless frustration but at peace, in God’s peace.

Prayer Softens Our Beds, Hearts, and Minds

Imagine sleeping with a peace…“which exceeds anything we can understand.” A protected peace… “His peace will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

Desire God’s Glory in the Morning

Mornings are especially important to me. That I wake up, sit up and give God the glory before the day begins. Who truly knows the day that I’m going to have but God. But it is for me to watch and learn as God manifests His character in me.

In the morning there is preparation to the things of God (and the day). Blessings, pitfalls, twists and turns, who can know them but our God. I’m going to have interactions that are unforeseen. But not without God. And every day I can go out into the world with character-building expectation.

So let’s go Christians as I paraphrase…Let us (go in the evening) and hear in the morning of your steadfast (peace) and love, for in you I trust.” Psalm 143:8

How will you sleep tonight?


7eventh Time Down: The One I’m Running To (Video)

Eddie James: House of Prayer (Video)

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