The Everyday Christian

3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3- 4


My noted thoughts:

  • Be driven by and in humility.

  • Give God given interests in service to others.

  • Take on others interests with enthusiasm.


The everyday Christian has things to do.

In the interest of our children we make them breakfast. In the interest of our spouse we initiate stimulating conversation. In the interest of our friends we hang out with them. Yes, the everyday Christian has things to do, but not to the neglect of others and not to the triviality of self.

These verses offer us not advice but do diligence. For us to put down the car keys and converse with those closest to us. To shut down our laptops and cellphones and spread love instead of likes and links. For us when we’re in our favorite store to talk to the stock clerk. (C’mon Christians let’s be a little weird.)

Our own interests shouldn’t discount others but add value—to the next person, and the next person, and the next person that God would give us the opportunity to shine our lights upon.

God is good in that way, (in many ways) that He would give us Jesus, Him inside of us to imitate, illuminate the significance of others.

So let’s go Christians, let’s use everyday to make the most of others and ourselves!


Toby Mac featuring Hollyn – Lights Shine Bright (Video)

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